Posts Tagged ‘trip’

A Fire Reignited

I’m not sure what happened after I returned from the Yukon.  It was the experience of a lifetime (and I promise that I will get around to telling you all about it), but when I got back home my drive to explore was gone.  Maybe it was because I’d squeezed a couple of years worth of tripping into 30 crazy days.  Maybe it was because I’d travelled to my dream destination…what else was left?  Whatever the reason, I surrounded myself with all of my favourite comforts and hunkered down for the winter, only emerging to hunt for food and yarn.  I built myself a nest insulated with cowls and mittens and casseroles.  Last weekend, I peeked my head out and for the first time in months, I saw the light.NOLS Yukon

The fates aligned when I was asked to attend the Wilderness Canoe Symposium here in Toronto for Rapid Media and do a little write-up for their website.  I loaded a daypack with my thermos,  iPad and camera and off I went, not knowing exactly what to expect.  I arrived to what can only be described as a party atmosphere.  Attendees traded stories in the lobby like old friends, and they probably were.  It can sometimes feel like we trippers are a dying breed and when we find others of our species, we hold on tight.

wilderness canoe symposium

I took my seat and the presentations began.  As speaker after speaker recounted their unforgettable trips and spoke passionately about their causes, I admit that I became emotional.  Clearly my experience in the Yukon had affected me more than I had realized.  All I wanted to do was flee my chair, grab my gear and my family and run away into the forest.  I felt the desire to be on trip more strongly than I ever had before.  I texted as much to Fraser and I’m sure that I could hear his sigh of relief all the way across the city.  He’d been patiently waiting for me to find that spark.  I hadn’t just found a spark though, I’d found a fire.

Maybe the Coolest Family Ever

And no, I’m not referring to MY family here.  We’re cool, but we’re not “cycle with your kids for a YEAR” cool.  I wish we were that cool.

I just read about the Vanderkwaak family.  Reuben and Heidi Vanderkwaak are taking their two kids Eden (4) and Harper (almost 2) on a year-long bike tour starting in Hamilton, Ontario and travelling 20,000km through Canada, the US, Mexico and Central America.

Doesn’t that make you want to start planning an epic family adventure of your own?!  Well it makes me want to 🙂  I’ve always wanted to take a big chunk of time off and go on an extended trip.  I want something to brag about.  The kind of trip that makes people’s jaw drop.  I want to feel CHANGED somehow, by the experience.  Expanded mind and family togetherness, beating the odds, overcoming adversity and all of that good stuff.  But where to go and what to do?  How about the Trans Canada Trail?  I don’t mean just a part of it, but the WHOLE THING!  That would be something to brag about.  This is a quote from their website :

The Trans Canada Trail is the world’s longest network of trails.  When completed, the Trail will stretch 22,000 kilometres from the Atlantic to the Pacific to the Arctic Oceans, linking 1000 communities and 33 million Canadians.  Today, more than 18,500 kilometres of trail have been developed.  Millions of Canadians and international visitors are using the Trail to hike, cycle, ski, horseback ride, canoe and snowmobile.  The Trans Canada Trail offers countless opportunities to explore Canada’s diverse landscapes and rich history.

Sounds amazing doesn’t it?  And it’s in our own backyards!  Have any of you tripped along the Trans Canada Trail?  Was it awesome?!  What crazy extended trip have you always dreamed about?  I need ideas, so don’t be surprised if I steal one and do it myself 😉